
Helen Shiyang Lu 吕诗扬

Position Killam Postdoctoral Fellow, UBC (2024 - Now)
Languages English (fluent), Mandarin (native), Cantonese (listening proficiency), Spanish (beginner)
Pronouns she/her/hers
CV Download here


  • 2018 - 2024
    PhD in Developmental Psychology (minor in Quantitative Methods)
    University of Southern California, Los Angeles, US
    • Dissertation: The effects of language experience on statistical learning in infants and adults
  • 2018 - 2020
    MA in Psychology
    University of Southern California, Los Angeles, US
  • 2014 - 2018
    BA with Majors in Psychology and Linguistics, Specialization in Computing
    University of California - Los Angeles, Los Angeles, US
    • Graduated with Department Highest Honors and Summa Cum Laude

Recent Conference Presentations


  • In prep
    • Lu and Mintz. Task-dependent learning of non-adjacent dependencies Success in a familiarity rating task versus failure in a two-alternative forced-choice task.
    • Lu and Mintz. Second language learning facilitates non-adjacent dependency learning Effects moderated by specific language.
  • In-principle acceptance
    • Stage 1 Registered Report. ManyBabies 5 A large-scale investigation of the proposed shift from familiarity preference to novelty preference in infant looking time. Nature Human Behaviour.
  • 2023
    • Lu and Mintz (2023). Dynamic motion and human agents facilitate visual nonadjacent dependency learning. Cognitive Science, 47(9), e13344.
  • 2021
    • Lu and Mintz (2021). Dynamic action facilitates learning of non-adjacent dependencies in visual sequences. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 43, No. 43).
    • Lu and Mintz (2021). Learning non-adjacent rules and non-adjacent dependencies from human actions in 9-month-old infants. Plos One, 16(6), e0252959.

Honors and Awards

  • 2024
    • Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, UBC
  • 2023
    • NSF Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant Award - Lingusitics (BCS-2234422, Co-PI, $18,949)
    • Frederick and Dorothy Quimby Memorial Scholarship
    • USC Department of Psychology Doctoral Research Grant Award ($1,365)
  • 2022
    • USC Department of Psychology Doctoral Research Grant Award ($1,600)
  • 2020
    • USC Graduate School Summer Research and Writing Grant ($5,000)
    • USC Department of Psychology Doctoral Research Grant Award ($3,200)
    • USC Department of Psychology Research Continuity Fund ($945)
  • 2018
    • USC Dornsife PhD Fellowship (2018-2023)
    • UCLA Summa cum Laude
    • UCLA Department of Psychology Highest Honors
  • 2017
    • UCLA Undergraduate Research Scholars Fellowship ($5,000)